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Korte | Chair of English Literature

Prof. Dr. Barbara Korte


☎ +49 761 203-3308
R 4210 | KG IV

Semester Break

  • Wednesday, February 12 | 12-13 hrs
  • Friday, February 14 | 14-15 hrs
  • Wednesday, February 19 | 12-13 hrs
  • Wednesday, March 5 | 12-13 hrs
  • Tuesday, March 18 | 12-13 hrs
  • Tuesday, April 1 | 12-13 hrs


Office hours take place in room 4210. Please register here for an appointment.



Alexandra Kuhn, M.A. she/her

☎ +49 761 203-3324
R 4211 | KG IV

Office Hours: Monday, 9am1pm and Tuesday & Wednesday, 9am–5.30pm


Postal Address:

Prof. Dr. Barbara Korte
Englisches Seminar
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
79085 Freiburg i. Br.

Faculty and Staff


Prof. Dr. Stefanie Lethbridge


Sophie Bantle


Cornelius Beckers

Klara Machata

Associate Professor
(Akademische Oberrätin)

Research Associate

Research Associate
Research Training
Group 2571 'Empires'

Research Associate

R 4214 | KG IV

☎ +49 761 203-9354

R 4212 | KG IV

☎ +49 761 203-3592

R 4212 | KG IV

☎ +49 761 203-3334


Research Assistants

  General Contact:


  ☎ +49 761 203-3316
  R 4216 | KG IV