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PhD Counseling


Students who wish to begin or are already enrolled in a Ph.D. program in our department should contact if they require assistance / advice in administrative and organizational matters. They should send an email to Dr. Fehlner and describe their questions or concerns briefly and include a telephone number where they can be reached. Dr. Fehlner will then get in touch in a timely manner.

Handbook for Doctoral Candidates 

The Joint Working Committee of the Doctoral Candidates Representatives of the Faculty Convents put together a Handbook for Doctoral Candidates at the University of Freiburg. You can find support and contacts from institutions like the Welcome Service, the International Graduate Academy (IGA) or the Networking Group for Doctoral Researchers (ProDoc).

Information is provided about the organizational structure of the university, it’s faculties and the representation of the doctoral students. Further, you will find some more services like the Studierendenwerk, Nightline e.V. or mentoring programs.

Your Doctorate at the University of Freiburg –
A Handbook for Doctoral Candidates

Further information

  • Doctoral Studies at the University of Freiburg
    Earning a Doctorate in Freiburg | Advising & Services | Research Funding | Qualification, Coaching & Continuing Education | Mentoring | Teaching | Family and Equal Opportunity | Networking | Postdoc | Career Promotion