English Department | Administration and Advising Office
The Administration and Advising Office is the point of contact between the teaching and instructors in the Department and the university administration. We are your central point of contact for anything concerning your English studies. We have answers to your questions about studying in the department, and can advise you on potential uncertainty concerning university structures as well as your course of studies – particularly in the event of unavoidable deviations e.g. due to family, illness, time abroad, professional concerns, etc. – and we will support you as best as we can in matters concerning the university bureaucracy.
In principle, we are always available as your first point of contact and can help you find the right direction. Our trusted motto:
»Don't suffer in silence.«
Head of Administration / Academic Advisor
Dr. Gert Fehlner he/him
R 4010 | KG IV
☎ +49 761 203-3331
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday, 9-11am
- Contact person for the department within and outside the university
- Personnel management
- Budget management
- Space and security representative
- Exchange programs/partnerships
- Degree program development
- Change of major/minor
- Transferring universities
- Recognition of credit
- Academic advising for all degree orograms
- Primary point of contact for doctoral students
Administrative Secretary
Nicole Bancher she/her
R 4012 | KG IV
☎ +49 761 203-3350
📠 +49 761 203-3340
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 10am–12pm and 2-4pm,
Thursday & Friday 10am-12pm
Our secretary is available to help with the following matters:
- General inquiries from students and faculty
- Notarization and certification
- Room bookings
- Personnel matters
- Point of contact between the English department and the rectorate
Postal Address:
University of Freiburg
English Department | Geschäftsführung
Rempartstr. 15
79098 Freiburg i. Br.
Academic Coordinator
Dr. Ulrike Zimmermann
Sissy Braeuer, M.A. she/her (on parental leave until 2026)
Coordinator Academic Program & Admissions Test
R 4005 | KG IV
📞 +49 761 203-3332
Our academic coordinator is available to help with the following matters:
- All issues relating to teaching and studying in the English department
– Course registration
– Course offerings
– Prüfungsordnungen (Programs of Study)
– Declaration/Registration of Studien- and Prüfungsleistungen
– Declaration of Studienleistungen (Departmental Portal)
– General information concerning exams
– Academic advising (all degree programs)
- Application process (Bachelor) & English department admissions test
- Webmaster
- Social Media
- Room reservation requests
- Proof of authenticity (in the absence of Nicole Bancher)
- Recognitions in case of change of study program or subject (in the absence of Dr. Fehlner)
- First aide at the University of Freiburg
Erasmus+ Coordinator
Christina Schindler she/her
R 4011 | KG IV
☎ +49 761 203-3337
Office Hours: Wednesday, 12–2pm | in person or via Zoom
Schedule an appointment: calendly.com/erasmus_anglistik
As the departmental contact person for Erasmus+ – Outgoings, our Erasmus coordinator is available to help with the following matters:
- General questions about going abroad for students in the English department (semester abroad, internships)
- Questions about planning your studies with a view towards studying abroad
- Info sessions and application processes for Erasmus in the English department
- Erasmus-supported mobility for English department faculty
- Information concerning transfer credit for Erasmus courses taken abroad
- Contact with previous Erasmus students / testimonials
Claire Steffen she/her
R 4011 | KG IV
☎ +49 761 203-3337
Office Hour: Thursday, 12–2pm
As the departmental contact person for Erasmus+ – Incomings, our Erasmus coordinator is available to help with the following matters:
- Information about studying English in Freiburg
- Orientation, course selection, and Learning Agreements for Erasmus students in Freiburg's English department
- Guidance concerning problems encountered during an Erasmus stay in Freiburg
- Transcripts of Records for Erasmus students in Freiburg's English department
Administrative Assistant
Katharina Klotz she/her
R 4005 | KG IV
- AREAS Coordinator for the English Department
- Newsletter
- Social Media
- Management of Office Hours (Website)
- Supports the Head of Administration and Academic Coordinator in all areas
The IT Team
R 4014 | KG IV
☎ +49 761 203-3333
Network doesn't work? The printer stopped printing? Need ILIAS access/setup? Want to spread news? Computer froze? Adobe Connect doesn't connect?
We're here to help!
If we are not in our offices (as we are usually running around Hogwarts fixing things), just send us an email. Please do not throw your devices out of the window, do not hit them, and keep them dry – we will come to help you eventually.
Christian Kröper he/his |
christian.kroeper@anglistik.uni-freiburg.de | |