Professor Lemke | Publications
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- Inequality, Poverty, and Precarity in Contemporary American Culture. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016.
- The Vernacular Matters of American Literature. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009.
- Cultural Studies Bibliography. John F. Kennedy Institute Working Papers. Berlin: Zentrale Universitätsdruckerei, 1996.
- Literary and Cultural Studies, Theory and the (New) Media. Co-edited with Monika Fludernik, Frankfurt: Schriftenreihe Peter Lang, 2015.
- Aesthetic Transgressions: Modernity, Liberalism, and the Function of Literature: Festschrift für Winfried Fluck zum 60. Geburtstag. Co-edited with Thomas Claviez and Ulla Haselstein. Heidelberg: Winter, 2006.
- Zora Neale Hurston. The Complete Stories. Co-edited with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. New York: Harper Collins, 1995.
- "Ecoliteracy: Skills for Sustainable Education." Climate Education. ISRF Bulletin 29. Ed. Lars Cornelissen. London: Independent Social Research Foundation, 2024. 51-64.
- "When Humans Connect with Post-Humans." Learning Machines: Artificial Intelligence and Humanities Knowledge. ISRF Bulletin 28. Ed. Lars Cornelissen. London: Independent Social Research Foundation, 2023. 43-55.
- "Precarious Photojournalism: The Ethics and Aesthetics of the Unrepresentable." The Routledge Companion to Media and Poverty. Ed. Sandra Borden. London: Routledge, 2021. 43-53.
- "A Transdisciplinary Cultural Studies' Approach to Inequality: What Can We Learn from Precarity Studies and Why Does Art Matter?" Equality: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Eds. François Levrau & Noel Clycq. New York: Palgrave, 2021. 321-46.
- "Precarious Art and the Aesthetics of the Precarious Gaze." FRAME 30.2, 2017. 61-80.
- "American Exceptionalism in the Age of Inequality." Towards a Post-Exceptionalist American Studies. Eds. Winfried Fluck and Donald Pease. Tübingen: Günter Narr, 2014. 359-73.
- "Working Poverty in the U.S.: Barbara Ehrenreich's Bestseller Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America and its Countercultural Legacy." LISAA. Special issue on poverty: Representations of Poverty. Ed. William Dow. Paris: Minard, 2013. 22-34.
- "Poverty and Class Studies." American Studies Today: New Research Agendas. Eds. Winfried Fluck, Erik Redling, Sabine Sielke and Hubert Zapf. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. 71- 99.
- "Der Amerikanische Traum und die Lebensrealität der Amerikaner." Freiburger Universitätsblätter 139 (2011): 139-51.
- "Facing Poverty: Towards a Theory of Articulation." Regarding the Poverty of Others, or: Beyond the Culturalization of Class. Eds. Michael Butter and Carsten Schinko. Spec. issue of Amerikastudien/American Studies 55.2 (2010): 95-122.
- (with Felicitas Hentschke) "Tabuisierte Sexualität im Que(e)rschnitt der Filmgeschichte Hollywoods." Tabu. Eds. Claudia Benthien, Ortrud Gutjahr. München: Wilhelm Fink, 2008. 219-45.
- "Du Bois: Of the Coming of John." The Oxford Companion to The Souls of Black Folk. Ed. Shamoon Zamir. Oxford University Press, 2008.
- "Aesthetics of Transgression: Awe, Alterity, and Apprehension in The Scarlet Letter." Aesthetic Transgressions: Modernity, Liberalism, and the Function of Literature: Festschrift für Winfried Fluck zum 60. Geburtstag. Eds. Thomas Claviez, Ulla Haselstein and Sieglinde Lemke. Heidelberg: Winter, 2006. 163-94.
- "Vernacular Aesthetics." Cultural Interactions: 50 Years of American Studies in Germany. Eds. Berndt Ostendorf and Ulla Haselstein. Heidelberg: Winter, 2005. 139-59.
- "Theories of American Culture in the Name of the Vernacular." Theories of American Culture: Theories of American Studies. Eds. Winfried Fluck and Thomas Claviez. Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 19. Tübingen: Narr, 2003. 155-74.
- "Primitivist Modernism." Primitivism and 20th Century Art: A Documentary History. Eds. Jack Flam and Miriam Deutsch. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. 240-55.
- “Response to Todd Gitlin and Susan Armitage.” Transnational America: The Fading of Borders in the Western Hemisphere. Ed. Berndt Ostendorf. Heidelberg: Winter, 2002. 231-37.
- “Transatlantic Relations: The German Du Bois.” German? American? Literature? New Directions in German – American Studies. Eds. Winfried Fluck and Werner Sollors. New York: Peter Lang, 2002. 207-16.
- “Trans-Culturalism.” Double-Crossings: Entrecruzamientos. Ed. Carlos Von Son. San Diego: Ediciones Nuevo Espacio, 2001. 22-37.
- “Hybridity the Subtext of Modernism.” Crossover: Cultural Hybridity and Ethnicity, Gender, Ethics. Ed. Therese Steffen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. 49-60.
- “Hamlin Garland.” Metzler Lexikon amerikanischer Autoren. Eds. Bernd Engler and Kurt Müller. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2000.
- “Joel Chandler Harris.” Metzler Lexikon amerikanischer Autoren. Eds. Bernd Engler and Kurt Müller. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2000.
- “James Weldon Johnson.” Metzler Lexikon amerikanischer Autoren. Eds. Bernd Engler and Kurt Müller. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2000.
- “Nella Larsen.” Metzler Lexikon amerikanischer Autoren. Eds. Bernd Engler and Kurt Müller. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2000.
- “Mapping the Harlem Renaissance.” Mapping African America: History, Narrative Formation and the Production of Knowledge. Eds. Maria Diedrich, Carl Pedersen and Justine Tally. FORECAAST 1. Hamburg: LIT, 1999. 119-28.
- “A Forgotten Legacy.” Lifting as They Climb: The History of the National Association of Colored Women. Eds. Elizabeth Lindsay Davis. Schomburg Library Series. New York: MacMillan, 1996. XV-XXXIII.
- “Blurring Generic Boundaries: Zora Neale Hurston: A Writer of Fiction and Anthropologist.” The Anthropological Turn in Literary Studies. Ed. Jürgen Schläger. Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 12. Tübingen: Narr, 1996. 163-78.
- “Josephine Baker.” Dictionary of American Negro Biography. Eds. Rayford W. Logan and Michael R. Winston. New York: W.W. Norton, 1995. 233-4.
- “White on White Act 2.” Transition 64 (1994): 110-12.
- “White on White: When the West Represents the Rest, Who Comes off Worse?” Transition 59 (1993): 145-54.
- “Im Zeichen des FORDschritts”. Amerikastudien 38.38 (1993): 251-63.
- “Schwarze (Über-)Lebenskunst”. Perspectives on Multiculturalism in North America. Ed. Carol W. Pfaff. Materialien 33. Berlin: John F. Kennedy Press, 1992. 121-38.
- Rev. of The Indignant Generation: A Narrative History of African American Writers and Critics, 1934-1960 by Lawrence Jackson. “African American Literary Studies: New Texts, New Approaches, New Challenges”, Amerikastudien/American Studies 55.4 (2010).
- Rev. of Einführung in die Amerikanistik / American Studies by Udo Hebel. “How to Introduce American Studies?”, Anglia 128.2 (2010).
- Rev. of Gender–Voice–Vernacular: The Formation of Female Subjectivity in Zora Neale Hurston, Toni Morrison, and Alice Walker. ZAA XLIX 2.2 (2001): 197-8.
Newspaper Articles
- “Camp der Hoffnungslosen: Wohin das reiche Amerika seine Armen abschiebt: Zu Besuch in einer Tent City bei Los Angeles.” Badische Zeitung Feb. 27, 2010.
- See also: Interviews & Pressemeldungen
- “Feminist Awakenings at the Turn of the Century, Perkins Gilman’s Yellow Wallpaper.”
Eucor Lecture Series | January - "Kulturwissenschaft und Klimagerechtigkeit."
Alles im Blick? Interdisziplinäre Vortragsreihe Nachhaltigkeit. | January - “Do AIs Make Better Lovers? On Post-Human Consciousness and Affect.”
- "Economic Inequality and the Rising Death Toll as Decisive Factors"
Freiburg University / Carl-Schurz-Haus | October -
"The Digital Condition and Humanities Knowledge"
Athens University | Sep
- "Sex and Gender in the Age of Posthumanism"
Gießen University | November - "Die Inszenierung von Kampfsportler*innen im Film"
Freiburg University | October - "Armut betrachten: Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektive"
University of Erlangen–Nürnberg | May - “When Hollywood Sensationalizes Underdogs: Precarity and Precariousness in Slumdog Millionaire and The Hunger Games"
University of Delhi, India | February
- “Workshop: Global Poverty“
Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, India | February
- “Precarity Studies: An Interdisciplinary Research Field“
Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, India | February
- “Cultural Precarity Studies: The Making of a Transdisciplinary Field”
University of Kerala, India | December
- “Representing Refugees: A Response to Lewis Turner on the Image of the Entrepreneur and the Neoliberal Logic“
Anton-Bergsträsser Institute, Freiburg | November
- “Critical Media Literacy: Analyzing American Beauty“
Gießen University | October
- “Precarious Escapes: Hillbilly Elegy and Unorthodox"
Conference Hamburg University | June
- “On the Economy of Expenditure and Anecdotal Pleasure”
Conference FU Berlin | February
- “Precarious Representations vs. Representations of Precarity: On Hunger Games, Moonlight, and Hillbilly Elegy"
Freiburg University | January
- “American Art from 1930-1960"
Paul Klee Exhibition, Bern | December - “Precarity Studies and Aesthetics: From Transdisciplinary Diversity Towards a Pentagonal Critical Framework“
Conference GAPS, Univ. Bonn | May - "Class Matters in the Age of Trump"
New York | March - "The Expansion of Boundary Conditions in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God"
Philadelphia MLA, January
- “Postfeminism and Hollywood”
Freiburg, Gender Studies Lecture Series | December
- “A Threesome: Anthropology, Poetry, and Prose”
Conference Basel University | November
- “Nachhaltigkeit: Brennpunkt USA”
Freiburg | June
- “The Great Inequality Debate. Wie Ungleichheit in der zeitgenössischen amerikanischen Literatur verhandelt wird”
Freiburg | October
- “Inequality in America: A Discourse Analysis”
Freiburg | June
- “Poverty and Inequality in America”
US Studies Center, Sydney | February
- “The Financial Crisis of 08 and Narratives of Working Poverty”
Gießen | July - “Desire – Bliss – Loss: Lust und Verlust im amerikanischen Imaginären”
Lausanne-Vallorbe, Switzerland | June
- “Not so Invisible: Footprints of Globalization in the Rural South”
Erlangen | May
- “Zora Neale Hurston's Anthropological Writings: Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction”
Bern, Switzerland | May
- “Economies of Misfortune: Visual Impressions from the Deep South”
Carl-Schurz-Haus Freiburg | April
- “How America Discovered Working Poverty and Learned to Live with it”
Georgetown, Washington D.C., USA | March
- “U.S. Poverty Studies: A European Perspective"
Rice University Houston, USA | March
- “Literatur, Visuelle Kultur und Sozialgeschichte”
University of Freiburg | December
- “Introduction to Obama, Suffrage, and Disenfranchisement”
Electoral Cultures Conference, Amerika-Haus München | November
- “Narratives of Inequality from Grapes of Wrath to The Pursuit of Happyness”
International Conference Too Big to Ignore: Narratives of Inequality
University of Freiburg | July
- “The Romantic Tradition Meets Realism in 19th Century American Fiction”
University of Salamanca, Spain | April
- “Dream On: American Exceptionalism Reconsidered”
University of Salamanca, Spain | April
- “Facebook: Superpower, Stasibook, Cash Cow: On Performative Individualism and the Surplus Value of Friends”
University of Freiburg | February
- “Going to War. Trials and Tribulations in the Bush Era”
University of Freiburg | December
- “Icon Trouble: The Continuous Refashioning of Miss Liberty”
Carl-Schurz-Haus Freiburg | November
- “The Future of Class and Poverty Studies”
FU Berlin | November
- “Empathie, Imagination, Ästhetik”
Semiotikkongress, University of Potsdam | October - “Down and Out in Ontario”
University of Freiburg | July
- “Tom Stone, Photography, and the Art of the New Documentary”
University of Freiburg (FRIAS) | July
- “Racism Made in America”
Wort, Macht, Stamm: Rassismus und Determinismus in der Philologie des 19. Jahrhunderts
University of Potsdam | May
- “Bestsellers on America’s Working Poor: Documenting the Microcosm of Want”
University of Freiburg (FRIAS) | December
- “Vom Mythos des ‘American Dream’ und der Lebensrealität der Amerikaner”
University of Freiburg | November
- “Amerika und Trauma im 21. Jahrhundert”
University of Hamburg | July
- “Black ART-lantic”
University of Erfurt | July
- “The Culture of the Dispossessed: America in the Age of Obama”
Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan | April
- “Gang Tours, Obamaville, Skid Row: On the Paradox of Poverty Portraiture”
Harvard University | March
- “Representing the Nation: Poetry and the Struggle over Signification”
Vienna University | October
- “I Spy: It's Internationally Renowned, Female & All-American”
University of Hamburg | May
- “Lady Liberty: A Transnational Icon par excellence”
FU Berlin | October
- “Poverty and Transnational Perspectives in American Studies”
University of Freiburg | December
- “’Give me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses, Yearning to Breathe Free’: Towards a Transnational Visual Poetics”
FU Berlin | October
- “When Butler meets Barbie: Queering the All-American Icon of the Cheerleader”
University of Freiburg: Geschlechterstudien (Vorlesungsreihe) | May
- “Von amerikanischen Träumen und amerikanischen Räumen”
Inaugural Lecture, University of Freiburg | February
- “New Historicism Reconsidered”
University of Freiburg: Literaturtheorie (Vorlesungsreihe) | January
- “How Lohengrin Made it into The Souls of Black Folk”
International Conference African Americans in Berlin: The Story of an Intellectual Encounter
J.F.K. Institute FU Berlin, November
- “Diaspora Aesthetics”
International Conference Narratives About American Art
J.F.K. Institute FU Berlin | May
- “African-American Migration”
Carl-Schurz Haus Feiburg | January
- “Some Don’t Like it Hot: Ein Que(e)rschnitt durch Hollywoods Filmgeschichte”
University of Hamburg | January
- “The Cryptic Art of Jean-Michel Basquiat”
UCSB, Santa Barbara | October
- “Pictures in a Floating World: Globalism in American Art”
USC, Los Angeles | October
- “Diasporic (Post-) Modernism: Aaron Douglas’s and Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Grand Spectacles of the African Diaspora”
INIVA Institute London | July
- “The German DuBois”
Cross-Overs Conference, CAAR, Münster | March
- “Life, Diagnostics and Ways of Seeing in The Portrait of a Lady”
University of Hamburg | December
- “A Poetics of Space”
Workshop der ASA, Washington | November
- “Area Studies in the USA”
Konferenz des Wissenschaftskollegs zu Berlin: Die Zukunft der Regionalforschung
Berlin | July
- “Europeans at the Gate: On Transnational American Studies”
University of Potsdam | July
- “Alterity, Altruism, and Androgyny in The Scarlet Letter”
University of Freiburg | June
- “Ethnic Neorealism: New Trends in American Literature"
University of Bielefeld | May
- “The Sound of Post-Apartheid South African Fiction”
DGfA, Frankfurt | May - “CrossRoutes of Transatlantic Scholarship”
NYU, New York | April
- “American Ethnicity: A Transnational vs. an Intra-national Paradigm”
International Conference about European Perspectives on American Studies, FU Berlin | February
- “Globalizing American Studies”
Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa | December
- “From the ‘Talking Book’ to Representing the Unspeakable”
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin | November
- “The Black Atlantic – Theorie und Praxis schwarzer Identität”
Host. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin | September
- “A New American Literature: Writing from the Margins”
University of Basel | August - “Aesthetics and Politics: A Response to Leo Marx”
J.F.K. Institute FU Berlin | April - “New Trends in American Studies”
Munich University | February
- “What Does Germany Have to Do with The Souls of Black Folk?”
Bates College, Maine | October
- “A Post-Nationalist Approach to American Literature”
Dartmouth College, New Hampshire | October
- “Towards a Postcolonial Aesthetics”
University of Gießen | September
- “Vernacular Aesthetics”
Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien, University of München | June
- “‘Race’ und ‘Gender’ im Konflikt”
HU Berlin | May
- “Comparative American Studies?”
University of California at Irvine | April
- “A Multicultural Aesthetics Before the Age of Multiculturalism”
University of California at Riverside | March
- “Deviant Divas”
University of California at Irvine | February
- “Response to Todd Gitlin and Susan Armitage”
Transatlantic America Conference, University of Munich | July
- “Du Bois in Berlin
HU Berlin | June
- “Reconsidering Modernism”
University of California at Irvine | April
- “Du Bois and his Student Years Abroad”
W.E.B. Du Bois Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge | September
- “Multiculturalism and the Visual Arts”
J.F.K. Institute FU Berlin | July - “Du Bois in Berlin”
J.F.K. Institute FU Berlin | July
- “Recycling Radicalism”
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien, Uni Köln | June
- “Josephine Baker: Mehr als Bewegung”
Moveo, Berlin | December
- “The German Du Bois”
Trans-Coop Conference, Harvard University | September
- “Hybridity: The Subtext of Modernism"
Symposium on Hybridity, Ethnicity, Gender, and Ethics, University of Basel | July
- “Odd Sisters: Anti- and Postfeminism”
University of Warschau, Poland | May
- “Celebrating the African Past, Performing the Black Vernacular”
Workshop, EAAS Conference, University of Lisbon | April
- “Primitivist Modernism”
Columbia University, New York, March - “Jean Toomer”
Harvard Conference, Sorbonne, Paris | January
- "Negro’ or Mapping the Harlem Renaissance”
CAAR Conference, Liverpool | April
- “Mixed Media? Visual Media/Media Visions”
University of Cologne | July - “Josephine Baker: The Ambassador of Jazz”
Sorbonne, Paris | April
- “From Waiting to Exhale to Waiting for Godot”
Symposion zur Literatur der afrikanischen Diaspora, Salamanca | March
- “Blurring Generic Boundaries”
J.F.K. Institute FU Berlin | November
- “Zora Neale Hurston: A Writer of Fiction and Anthropologist”
Konferenz zu Literatur und Anthropologie, Universität Konstanz | October
- “The Harlem Renaissance”
NEH Seminar. Wheelock College, Boston | May
- “Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”
W.E.B. Du Bois Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge | October
- “Performing Difference“
J.F.K. Institute FU Berlin | June
- “Die Ikonen der Moderne”
Ringvorlesung, J.F.K. Institute FU Berlin | June
- “Im Zeichen des FORDschritts”
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien, University of Münster | October