Course Information

It’s common for students to think of academic writing as intimidating, boring, or both. In this class, we will simplify the process of academic writing (and even try to make it fun). Through this basic overview, which pertains to the key points and skills involved in academic writing, we will focus on writing structure; the difference between summary, paraphrase, and direct quotation; primary vs. secondary sources; citing sources; plagiarism and how to avoid it; register; and the role of the author’s voice in academic writing. Course activities include a focus on reading comprehension and critical discussion of texts, sentence-level writing practice, and writing of short academic texts.
You can find the course on HISinOne. Depending on your study program, it can count towards the following modules:
- M.Ed.-Cert. – Sprachkompetenz Vertiefung
- MiBNACS – M5
- MELLing – M7
- B.A. major – M13, M14, M15
- 2-HF-B – Sprachkompetenz Vertiefung
- Erasmus & International students – Elective in Advanced Language Practice
Note: M.Ed.-Cert. students must be given prioritized admission; the registration process of this course thus involves waiting lists.
Summer School 2022 | Academic Reading & Writing
Dieses außercurriculare Angebot wurde durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg (MWK) zum Abbau pandemiebedingter Lernrückstände ermöglicht:
"Land fördert Abbau von Lernrückständen bei Studierenden (07.02.2022)"
Online Resources
No time to take the course any time soon? Here is a list of helpful online resources:
YouTube Tutorials | Specific writing skills explained with examples & exercises
Websites on Academic Writing
Help with Referencing, Citation Management, Avoiding Plagiarism