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Professor Fludernik | Konferenzen

Recht und Literatur aus narratologischer Sicht | Konferenz

7.-8. Mai 2021

Mehr Informationen zur Tagung finden Sie auf der Website des Graduiertenkollegs 1767 "Faktuales und Fiktionales Erzählen".


Diachronic Narratology | Internationaler Workshop

20.-22. Februar 2020

Offizieller Projektstart und internationaler Workshop zu diachroner Narratologie

Mehr Informationen zum Workshop finden Sie auf der Website des Reinhart-Koselleck-Projekts "Narratologie diachron".


Handbook Narrative Factuality | International Conference

July 6–8, 2017 | GRK 1767 'Factual and Fictional Narration'

Following on the recent interest in fictionality in the De Gruyter Handbuch Fiktionalität (Klauk/Köppe 2014), the forthcoming handbook on fictionality edited by Ralf Schneider and the work done in Aarhus by Henrik Skov Nielsen and Stefan Iversen (see their co-edited paper together with Richard Walsh and James Phelan as “Ten Theses about Fictionality” in the first issue of Narrative in 2015), the graduate school “Factual and Fictional Narration” (GRK 1767) in Freiburg has decided to emphasize their analysis of factual narratives and to put together a complementary handbook focusing on narrative factuality.

The main idea for this handbook is to provide conceptual and historical background for the notions of the real, the factual, the authentic, etc. and to then pose the question of how these notions impact on narration. The handbook will be divided into two main parts: a first part concentrating on concepts and their practical deployment in narrative texs; and a second part discussing issues and problems that are raised in the context of narrative factuality in its inevitable relationship to fictionality.

As a consequence of its origin in the graduate school and the disciplinary alignment of narratology with the humanities, the handbook will cater for an audience of humanities scholars and students rather than scientists or philosophers. The main intention is to provide information about how disciplines outside the humanities conceptualize the real, truth, authenticity and so on, and to do so on a level of discourse that is comprehensible to readers in the humanities. Besides considering the conceptual variety in other disciplines outside the philologies and especially narratology, the handbook additionally attempts to extend the discussion to non-European narratives and non-European cultural and scientific traditions, though it can hope to do so only in a preliminary manner.

Participants included: 
Mohsen Ashtiany, Dorothee Birke, Arianna Borrelli, Dustin Breitenwischer, Jens Brockmeier, Andreas Buchleitner, Remigius Bunia, Marco Caracciolo, Eva von Contzen, Nicolas Detering, Hella Dietz, Gregor Dobler, Margalit Finkelberg, Monika Fludernik, Johannes Franzen, Mark Freeman, Wolfgang Freitag, Werner Frick.

Program and further information:

Monika Fludernik & Marie-Laure Ryan (eds.). Narrative Factuality: A Handbook. Revisionen 6. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019.


Symmetry, Proportion and Seriality: The Semantics of Mirroring and Repetition in Science and the Arts | Academia Europaea Conference 

May 26–28, 2016 | Co-organized with Martin Middeke and Andreas Buchleitner

Symmetry is one of the key factors in a variety of sciences and humanities subjects. Equations must be symmetrical; in architecture symmetry is a basic design feature; linguists discover iconic and symmetrical relationships in their objects of study; in chemistry and physics symmetrical and asymmetrical designs play an important role; in music and all the arts symmetry is often considered the basis of aesthetic quality. There are also several types of symmetry that one might want to distinguish. Symmetry can be set off against, but also paired with, two other features that play a similar role in the sciences and the arts: proportion and seriality. Exact symmetry in some instances is too neat, too boring, or simply not possible, yet a set of proportional relationships may be deemed crucial to a particular effect. Proportion can thus be regarded as a more general framework that allows one to set items in relationships to one another, with symmetry being the most perfect of these relationships. The visual arts, especially film and dance, employ proportion and symmetry as kinetic rather than merely static modes. As regards seriality, it is a recursive application of symmetry and repetition, but also a type of design that operates dynamically rather than statically. Besides its obvious relevance to the arts in experiments in seriality in (post)modernist painting, music and literature, seriality plays a central role in mathematics and physics.

The high-profile speakers at this conference come from a wide range of discipline and they share a commitment to cross-disciplinary dialogue. They will compare concepts of symmetry, proportion and seriality across the humanities-sciences divide; they will explore the historical dimensions and changes in taste that affect the understanding of these terms and concepts; they will discuss them as culture-specific phenomena, comparing ideas of symmetry and proportion across different global cultures; finally, they will explore why it is that symmetry is so important to our minds and our language, indeed to the design of our bodies and brains.

The conference is organized into three sections, each starting off with a plenary lecture and extended plenary discussions between speakers from different disciplines. Speakers at this conference include scholars from the fields of musicology, theoretical physics, literary studies, art history, neuroscience, and theatre and performance studies.


Anglistentag 2011 Freiburg

September 18–21, 2011 | Co-organized with Bernd Kortmann


Current Trends in Narratology | Conference

June 14–16, 2007

This workshop provides an overview of state-of-the-art research in narratology by leading scholars in four major areas of research. The conference will include the following sections:

  • Thursday afternoon, June 14: Narrative and Mediality concentrates not so much on fiction and film (already over-researched) but on drama, poetry and other media, or issues of mediality per se in narrative and/or narratology. Lectures include:
    • Brian Richardson (University of Maryland, College Park)
      "The Poetics of Beginnings and Endings in Drama"
    • Ansgar Nünning (Gießen University)
      "The Performative Force of Narrative: The Functions of the Narrator in Drama"
    • Werner Wolf (Graz University)
      "Narratology and Media(lity)"
    • Eva Müller-Zettelmann (Vienna University)
      "Poetry and Narratology"

  • Friday morning, June 15: Narrative Consciousness focuses on recent research on consciousness. This may include a variety of aspects such as historical questions, the representation of consciousness, the role of consciousness in narratology, brain studies and narrative, cognitivist issues, empathy and consciousness etc. Lectures will include:
    • Richard J. Gerrig (Stony Brook University)
      "Conscious and Unconscious Processes in Readers' Narrative Experiences"
    • Peter Stockwell (University of Nottingham)
      "Narrative Texture"
    • Uri Margolin (University of Alberta)
      "(Mis)perceiving to Good Readerly Effect"
    • Alan Palmer (Independent Scholar, London)
      "Intermental Focalization in Middlemarch"

  • Friday afternoon, June 15: Diachronic Narratology will concentrate on diachronic developments in narrative. Speakers and topics include:
    • Jon Whitman (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
      "Speaking from the Dead: Malory and the Postmortems of Late Medieval Narrative"
    • Irma Taavitsainen (University of Helsinki)
      "Narratives in Late Medieval and Early Modern Scientific Writing"
    • Monika Fludernik (Freiburg University)
      "Diachronizing Narratology: Speech and Thought Representation in Middle English"

  • On Friday evening a plenary lecture will be held by Didier Coste (Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3), entitled "Narratology, Western and Non-Western in Postcolonial and Globalization Studies: Promises and Limits."

  • Saturday morning, June 16: Historicizing Narratology will present historical accounts of narratological thinking. Lectures include:
    • Wilhelm Schernus (Hamburg University)
      "Narratologie im Spiegel kodifizierender Schriften" [Narratology in the Mirror of Codified Texts]
    • Eyal Segal (Tel Aviv University)
      "The 'Tel Aviv School' – A Rhetorical-Functional Approach to Narrative"
    • Maja Nemere (Hamburg University)
      "The Influence of Russian Formalism on International Narratology"
    • Sylvie Patron (Université Paris 7-Denis Diderot)
      "Enunciative Narratology: A French Specificity"
    • John Pier (University of Tours and CRAL Paris)
      "Is There a 'Postclassical' French Narratology?"

The conference will close with a summary panel.

This workshop is sponsored by
the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / German Research Foundation
and the Université franco-allemande / Deutsch-Französische Hochschule

Migration and Multiculturalism | Conference / Baden-Württemberg Symposium

October 2002

Grenzgänger | Conference

February 1998 | SFB 541 'Identies and Alterities'

First conference of the then new collaborative research centre 541 'Identies and Alterities. The Function of Alterity for the construction of Collective Identity'.


International Association for Literary Semantics (IALS) | Second International Conference

September 1–4, 1997